How to Use AI To Get More Clients

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your business. 💖

You’ve honed your skills, refined your offerings, but when it comes to creating a website that truly reflects your brilliance and attracts your dream clients? Well that’s where things can often grind to a halt.

As a web designer who’s been working with creative and coaching business owners for a decade, I’ve seen it time and time again:

Brilliant women putting off launching their sites because the words just won’t flow.

Then even when they do have a beautiful website, they struggle to attract enough visitors and paying clients.

First up, is it your copywriting that’s letting you down?

You shouldn’t need to be (or hire) a copywriting whiz to have a website that does it’s job. And with the right strategy, you can boost your website traffic and visibility organically.

Is a great website key to (your) success?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a moment to remember why your website matters so much:

  • It’s often the first interaction potential clients have with your brand
  • You have just 0.05 seconds to make an impression
  • It’s your digital handshake, your 24/7 salesperson
  • It has the power to connect quickly and powerfully with your dream clients

Your website isn’t just a digital business card. It’s a tool that can bring you more clients, more impact, and ultimately, more financial freedom.

[Learn more about the importance of having a strong online presence in Kate’s story here]

Part 1: Overcoming ‘blank page syndrome’ (by using AI) as your team mate

If you’re feeling stuck with your website content, you’re not alone. Here are some of the most common concerns I hear from women in business:

  • How do I translate my passion into words?
  • How do I structure all this information?
  • How do I create a website journey that makes sense?
  • How do I tell my story without making it all about me?
  • How do I overcome that nagging “imposter syndrome”?
  • How do I navigate the technical aspects of website creation?
  • How do I make sure my website actually generates income?

These are all valid concerns. And they’re exactly why I’ve revolutionised my web design packages to make things easier when creating a website.

Introducing AI-powered web design 🙌

This game-changing approach to web design addresses all of these concerns head-on.

Here’s what makes this approach special:

1. Live copywriting sessions: We craft your message together, in real-time.
2. AI-powered writing assistance: My secret AI sidekick captures your unique voice.
3. Web design expertise: Years of wisdom ensure it all comes together beautifully.
4. Cost-effective: No extra charge – it actually saves us both time!
5. Rapid turnaround: Done in as little as 48 hours, depending on your package.

Feel free to explore my AI-powered web design packages to see if anything piques your interest.

How it works

1. We hop on a call (yes, actual human interaction!)
2. You talk about your business while I work my AI prompts behind the scenes
3. We refine the copy together, making sure it sounds 100% like you
4. I weave it all into a gorgeous, client-attracting website

The result? A website with words that sound like you, without you having to write a single line of copy.

How to Prompt AI for Blog Content

Creating engaging blog content consistently can be challenging, but AI can be your secret weapon. Here’s how to effectively prompt AI to generate ideas and content for your blog:

Start with a clear topic: Be specific about what you want to write about. For example, instead of “write about social media,” try “write about Instagram strategies for small business owners.”

Specify your audience: Tell the AI who you’re writing for. For instance, “The audience is female entrepreneurs in their 30s-40s who are just starting their online businesses.”

Define the tone and style: Describe the voice you want to use. For example, “Use a friendly, conversational tone with a touch of humour.”

Request a specific format: Ask for the structure you want, such as “Create an outline for a 1000-word blog post with 5 main sections and 3 subsections each.”

Include key points: List any crucial information or ideas you want to be included. “Make sure to mention the importance of consistency and authenticity in social media posts.”

Ask for examples or case studies: If applicable, request real-world examples. “Include 2-3 brief case studies of successful small businesses using Instagram effectively.”

Request a call-to-action: Don’t forget to ask the AI to include a relevant CTA. “End the post with a call-to-action encouraging readers to try one of the strategies this week.”

    Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a replacement for your unique voice and expertise. Use these prompts as a starting point, then add your personal insights, experiences, and that special touch that makes your content uniquely yours.

    Pro tip: Don’t be afraid to have a back-and-forth with the AI. If the first output isn’t quite right, refine your prompt or ask for specific changes. The magic often happens in the iteration!

    By mastering the art of prompting AI, you’ll be able to create engaging, relevant content more efficiently, leaving you more time to focus on what you do best – serving your amazing clients!

    For more specific examples of AI prompts for content creation, check out this helpful guide from HubSpot. It provides additional prompts that can further boost your AI-assisted blogging efforts.”

    Part 2: Boosting your website traffic through strategic blogging

    Having a beautiful website is just the first step. The next challenge is getting your dream clients to actually find and visit your site.

    This is where strategic blogging comes in.

    My personal blogging success story…

    Before I became a web designer, I was a makeup artist specialising in weddings. 👰‍♀️

    I had invested in a lovely new website, but it was practically invisible, buried on page 10 of Google search results. No one was finding me.

    Determined to change this, I committed to blogging weekly for an entire year.

    The result was life changing for me.

    I reached #1 on Google organically and started getting lots of bookings. This success eventually led me to pivot my career from makeup artistry to web design. 🙌

    Reasons to blog for your business?

    1. Increase your visibility in Google search results
    2. Build a long-term organic traffic strategy (free!)
    3. Showcase your expertise and build trust with potential clients
    4. Provide value to your audience and keep them coming back

    Blogging essentials:

    1. Consistency: Decide on a schedule and stick to it
    2. High-quality, valuable content: Focus on genuinely helping your audience
    3. Basic SEO optimisation: We’ll cover this in a moment
    4. Interesting headlines and topics: Grab attention and solve problems
    5. Relevant images or graphics: Make your posts visually appealing
    6. Clear call-to-action in each post: Guide readers to the next step

    How to think about the dreaded keywords

    When it comes to SEO, don’t get overwhelmed. Instead:

    • Write blogs your dream clients will LOVE to read because they solve their problems
    • Focus on being genuinely helpful – you’ll naturally include relevant keywords
    • Think about how your dream clients might search for answers to their problems
    • Use these search phrases as your keywords, incorporating them naturally into your title and content

    For example:

    What Google Wants to See:

    • Longer content (aim for around 2000 words when possible)
    • Well-formatted text: headlines, paragraphs, bullet points
    • Internal links to other pages on your site
    • External links to reputable sources
    • Graphics and images
    • Strong call-to-action(s)
    • Engaging, personal content
    • Regular updates (more blogs = more authority)

    Simple Blogging Steps:

    1. Brainstorm blogging ideas
    2. Choose your favorites and schedule them
    3. Think about how you can incorporate links to other content you’ve created
    4. Add a graphic or two (tools like Canva can help)
    5. Include your best call-to-action (lead magnet, service offering, etc.)
    6. Post or schedule your blog (I personally use WordPress)
    7. Keep blogging consistently!

    Quick SEO Tip:

    When you publish your blog post, customise the URL to be shorter and more SEO-friendly.

    For example, change “How can I boost my mood in the morning” to “boost-mood-morning”.

    Remember, the key is to approach blogging with the same mindset you have when serving your clients. Let your heartfelt advice flow naturally, and your authenticity will shine through.

    Your dream clients are out there

    Searching for exactly what you offer. So make sure they can find you online.

    Remember, your website and blog are powerful tools to showcase your unique brilliance. It’s time to let them shine!

    Not sure where to start? See below 👇 to get access to my free ‘what makes a great website’ mini-masterclass.

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