Kate’s Website Before & After

📣 Kate’s Story: When Kate contacted me, she had already had a website for many years. The site images featured her mountain hiking, which while stunning, unfortunately conveyed a misaligned message… more like a Walking Tour Guide than Therapeutic Anti-Diet...
Why Your Website Design Sets the Tone for Trust

Why Your Website Design Sets the Tone for Trust

Think your about page details or impressive client logos build rapport with visitors right off the bat? Think again! In truth, the look, layout, speed and navigation of your website shapes first impressions more than anything. Sure, flashy credentials make for nice...
Using Mood Boards to Get Your Authentic Website Vibe

Using Mood Boards to Get Your Authentic Website Vibe

When kickstarting any rebrand or website project with me, we dive right into discovering your distinctive energy and vision using a rather unique exercise – mood boarding! Now, you may be familiar with mood boards for pulling together visual elements like color...